Everything I Ever Wanted To Say Is Here
Monoprints & Drawings // Pencil / Acrylic Pens
The Roman Alphabet as Architecture
After a year of making pencil drawings using only capital letters from the Roman alphabet—drawings that originated with a quote, or snippets from overhear conversations, or just as often from tapping into my own stream-of-consciousness thoughts—I began to make my first monoprints.
Created from etched plates, printed singly or in multiples, these images represent a universe of words and thoughts suspended in a visual space. The drawings and prints are my tribute to the awe I feel when scrutinizing letterforms, the architecture of the printed word. These iconic forms seen singly, inspire my wonderment for the sounds we attach to each and the transformation of individual letters in combinations to make words; and how we read these letterform constructions to understand language in the absence of aural transmission.
Everything I Ever Wanted To Say Is Here, Drawing No. 4
Everything I Ever Wanted To Say Is Here, Drawing No. 1
Everything I Ever Wanted To Say Is Here, Monoprint No. 1
Everything I Ever Wanted To Say Is Here, Monoprint No. 2
Everything I Ever Wanted To Say Is Here, Monoprint No. 3
Everything I Ever Wanted To Say Is Here, Monoprint No. 4
Everything I Ever Wanted To Say Is Here, Monoprint No. 5
Everything I Ever Wanted To Say Is Here, Monoprint No. 6
Everything I Ever Wanted To Say Is Here, Monoprint No. 7
Everything I Ever Wanted To Say Is Here, Monoprint No. 8